A Guide to Modern Python String Formatting Tools

21 hours ago 3

When working with strings in Python, you may need to interpolate values into your string and format these values to create new strings dynamically. In modern Python, you have f-strings and the .format() method to approach the tasks of interpolating and formatting strings.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use f-strings and the .format() method for string interpolation
  • Format the interpolated values using replacement fields
  • Create custom format specifiers to format your strings

To get the most out of this tutorial, you should know the basics of Python programming and the string data type.

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A Guide to Modern Python String Formatting Tools

You can take this quiz to test your understanding of modern tools for string formatting in Python. These tools include f-strings and the .format() method.

Getting to Know String Interpolation and Formatting in Python

Python has developed different string interpolation and formatting tools over the years. If you’re getting started with Python and looking for a quick way to format your strings, then you should use Python’s f-strings.

If you need to work with older versions of Python or legacy code, then it’s a good idea to learn about the other formatting tools, such as the .format() method.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to format your strings using f-strings and the .format() method. You’ll start with f-strings to kick things off, which are quite popular in modern Python code.

Using F-Strings for String Interpolation

Python has a string formatting tool called f-strings, which stands for formatted string literals. F-strings are string literals that you can create by prepending an f or F to the literal. They allow you to do string interpolation and formatting by inserting variables or expressions directly into the literal.

Creating F-String Literals

Here you’ll take a look at how you can create an f-string by prepending the string literal with an f or F:

👇 >>> f"Hello, Pythonista!" 'Hello, Pythonista!' 👇 >>> F"Hello, Pythonista!" 'Hello, Pythonista!'

Using either f or F has the same effect. However, it’s a more common practice to use a lowercase f to create f-strings.

Just like with regular string literals, you can use single, double, or triple quotes to define an f-string:

👇 >>> f'Single-line f-string with single quotes' 'Single-line f-string with single quotes' 👇 >>> f"Single-line f-string with double quotes" 'Single-line f-string with single quotes' 👇 >>> f'''Multiline triple-quoted f-string ... with single quotes''' 'Multiline triple-quoted f-string\nwith single quotes' 👇 >>> f"""Multiline triple-quoted f-string ... with double quotes""" 'Multiline triple-quoted f-string\nwith double quotes'

Up to this point, your f-strings look pretty much the same as regular strings. However, if you create f-strings like those in the examples above, you’ll get complaints from your code linter if you have one.

The remarkable feature of f-strings is that you can embed Python variables or expressions directly inside them. To insert the variable or expression, you must use a replacement field, which you create using a pair of curly braces.

Interpolating Variables Into F-Strings

The variable that you insert in a replacement field is evaluated and converted to its string representation. The result is interpolated into the original string at the replacement field’s location:

>>> site = "Real Python" 👇 >>> f"Welcome to {site}!" 'Welcome to Real Python!'

In this example, you’ve interpolated the site variable into your string. Note that Python treats anything outside the curly braces as a regular string.

Read the full article at https://realpython.com/python-formatted-output/ »

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