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2 weeks ago 12

#​548 — September 17, 2024

Read on the Web

nano-spawn: Tiny Execa-Inspired Process Execution — If you’re familiar with Sindre’s powerful Execa for running commands from a Node app in a robust manner, nano-spawn offers its core functionality in a smaller package and remains a better option than child_process in any case.

Sindre Sorhus and ehmicky

💡 But if you prefer the 'full fat' experience of Execa, v9.4.0 was released yesterday.

▶  From Node.js to Deno: How It All Began — A brief nine minute documentary exploring the origins of Deno with Ryan Dahl and Bert Belder. A good, quick way to get up to speed with the motivations behind the alternative JavaScript runtime.


Memetria: Redis Hosting for Serious Developers — Memetria provides secure, scalable hosting with features that enhance your development experience, including large key tracking and detailed performance metrics. Keep your production apps fast with better and uptime.

Memetria sponsor

JavaScript™: A Plea for Oracle to Release the JavaScript Trademark — It’s long been a bone of contention in the JavaScript community that Oracle owns the JavaScript trademark, but this marks the first truly serious effort to try and change that. Join the effort by ‘signing’ this open letter, if you agree.

The JavaScript Community


📄 A GitHub Trick to Find the Commit That Deleted a File Raymond Chen

📄 Top 5 HTTP Request Libraries for Node.js Damilola Olatunji

🛠 Code & Tools

Chokidar 4.0: Efficient Cross-Platform File Watching Library — Wraps around / fs.watchFile and normalizes the events received, applies some best practices, and presents an API that works the same across different platforms.

Paul Miller

🗓️ ViteConf is October 3rd! — StackBlitz is r(ai)sing the bar in the ViteConf '24 keynote. You won’t want to miss it 👀.

StackBlitz sponsor

🍪🔒 tough-cookie 5.0: RFC6265 Cookies and CookieJar for Node — A long standing library from Salesforce, now with a major update. v5.0 includes a move to TypeScript, as well as some API changes.


Biome v1.9 Released; Turns One Year Old — Biome started life as a fork of Rome, a bold attempt to create an all-in-one ‘frontend toolchain’. As of v1.9, Biome can format and lint CSS, GraphQL, and JavaScript, does it very quickly, yet has 97% compatibility with Prettier.

Victorien Elvinger & Biome Core Team

FarmHash 4.0: Node Implementation of Google's High Performance Hash FunctionsFarmHash is a family of non-cryptographic hash functions built by Google mostly for quickly hashing strings.

Lovell Fuller

hot-shots: A Node Client for StatsD, DogStatsD, and Telegraf — Originally a turbo-charged, modernized fork of node-statsd.


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