Find the First Number in a String in Python

3 weeks ago 8

One of my machine learning team members struggled to find the first number in a string in Python. I suggested a few useful methods. In this tutorial, I will show you how to find the first number in a string in Python.

To find the first number in a string using Python, you can utilize the re module with a regular expression. First, import the re module and define a pattern to match one or more digits using r'\d+'. Then, use, your_string) to search for the pattern in the string. If a match is found, retrieve the first number with For example:

import re text = "The price is 100 dollars" pattern = r'\d+' match =, text) if match: first_number = print(f"The first number in the string is: {first_number}")

This will output: The first number in the string is: 100.

Python Find First Number in String

This is a very common requirement for Python developers. For example, suppose you want to extract numerical data from mixed-content strings. Or may be you want to ensure that a string contains a number before processing it. These kinds of requirements are very common while working with machine learning.

Let me now show you four different methods of finding the first number in a string in Python.

Method 1: Using Regular Expressions (re module)

The re module in Python provides a powerful way to search for patterns in strings. Here’s how you can use it to find the first number in a string.


Here is the syntax for using the re module for pattern matching.

import re pattern = r'\d+' match =, your_string) if match: first_number =


  • import re: Imports the regular expressions module.
  • pattern = r'\d+': Defines a pattern to match one or more digits.
  •, your_string): Searches for the pattern in the string.
  • Returns the matched number as a string.

Now, let me show you an example.


import re text = "The price is 100 dollars" pattern = r'\d+' match =, text) if match: first_number = print(f"The first number in the string is: {first_number}")

This will output:

The first number in the string is: 100

You can see the exact output in the screenshot below:

python find first number in string

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Method 2: Using a Loop

We can also use Python loops to find the first number in a string. Let me show you the syntax and example.


Here is the syntax.

def find_first_number(s): for char in s: if char.isdigit(): return char return None


  • char.isdigit(): Checks if the character is a digit.
  • return char: Returns the first digit found.


Let me show you an example to help you understand more.

def find_first_number(s): for char in s: if char.isdigit(): return char return None text = "The price is 100 dollars" first_number = find_first_number(text) if first_number: print(f"The first number in the string is: {first_number}") else: print("No number found in the string.")

This will output:

The first number in the string is: 1

I executed the above Python code, and you can see the exact output in the screenshot below:

find first number in string python

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Method 3: Using List Comprehension and next()

List comprehension combined with the next() function can also be used to find the first number in a string.


first_number = next((char for char in your_string if char.isdigit()), None)


  • char.isdigit(): Checks if the character is a digit.
  • next(): Returns the first digit found or None if no digit is found.


Here is an example and the complete Python code.

text = "The price is 100 dollars" first_number = next((char for char in text if char.isdigit()), None) if first_number: print(f"The first number in the string is: {first_number}")

This will output:

The first number in the string is: 1

Here is the exact output in the screenshot below:

python find first digit in string

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Method 4: Using str.find() and str.isdigit()

Another approach for finding the first number in a string is to use the str.find() method to locate the first digit.


def find_first_number_index(s): for index, char in enumerate(s): if char.isdigit(): return index return -1


  • enumerate(s): Iterates over the string with index.
  • char.isdigit(): Checks if the character is a digit.
  • return index: Returns the index of the first digit found.


Here is an example.

def find_first_number_index(s): for index, char in enumerate(s): if char.isdigit(): return index return -1 text = "The price is 100 dollars" index = find_first_number_index(text) if index != -1: first_number = text[index] print(f"The first number in the string is: {first_number}")

This will output:

The first number in the string is: 1

Here, I executed the Python code using VS code, and you can see the output in the screenshot below:

python get first number in string


In Python, you can find the first number in a string in several ways like:

  • Using Regular Expressions (re module)
  • Using a Loop
  • Using List Comprehension and next()
  • Using str.find() and str.isdigit()

I have also included real examples for each method. Do you still have questions? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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