Mike Driscoll: JupyterLab 101 Kickstarter Stretch Goal

1 week ago 7

My Kickstarter for my latest Python book is still going on for another eight days. Now is a great time to pre-order the book as well as get my other Python books.

JupyterLab 101 Mockup

The project is fully funded, and I added a stretch goal.

Stretch Goal

The stretch goal is $5000 or 350 backers. If we reach either of those, I will create a video course version of the book and release it to all backers. I think being able to show JupyterLab in a video format may be an even better medium for teaching this type of topic, although the book may be better for quick browsing.

What You’ll Learn

In this book, you will learn how about the following:

  • Installation and setup of JupyterLab
  • The JupyterLab user interface
  • Creating a Notebook
  • Markdown in Notebooks
  • Menus in JupyterLab
  • Launching Other Applications (console, terminal, text files, etc)
  • Distributing and Exporting Notebooks
  • Debugging in JupyterLab
  • Testing your notebooks

Rewards to Choose From

As a backer of this Kickstarter, you have some choices to make. You can receive one or more of the following, depending on which level you choose when backing the project:

  • An early copy of JupyterLab 101 + all updates including the final version (ALL BACKERS)
  • signed paperback copy (If you choose the appropriate perk)
  • Get all by Python courses hosted on Teach Me Python or another site  (If you choose the appropriate perk)
  • T-shirt with the book cover  (If you choose the appropriate perk)

Get the book on Kickstarter today!

The post JupyterLab 101 Kickstarter Stretch Goal appeared first on Mouse Vs Python.

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