Node 22.6, Protobuf-ES 2.0, and Volta 2.0

1 month ago 23

#​544 — August 20, 2024

Read on the Web

🏖️ If you missed last week's issue, don't worry - you didn't. I took a week off a summer break, but now we're back ;-) Thanks to everyone who sent in links for us to check out.
Peter Cooper, your editor

Node.js Doubles Security Releases with Newly Automated Process — The Node project has automated its security release process, doubling the number of releases, and is re-evaluating unsupported experimental features with the Next 10 group to enhance security.

Sarah Gooding (Socket)

Node v22.6.0 (Current) Released — v22.6 landed hours after we sent the last issue, but remains the latest Current release. It introduced the new type annotation stripping feature (via --experimental-strip-types) as well as experimental support for network inspection.

Rafael Gonzaga

Memetria: Redis Hosting for Serious Developers — Memetria provides secure, scalable hosting with features that enhance your development experience, including large key tracking and detailed performance metrics. Keep your production apps fast with better and uptime.

Memetria sponsor

Puppeteer Adds Official Support for Firefox — As of version 23, Google’s originally Chrome-only Puppeteer browser automation library has first-class support for Firefox too.

Mozilla Hacks


  • The Bun folks have been working on node:cluster support with impressive throughput results.

  • Talking of Bun, Bun v1.1.23 has landed, with yet more Node.js compatibility improvements, support for the TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream Web APIs, Float16Array, and perf improvements.

  • Security company Phylum has written about the 'Great npm Garbage Patch' noting that around 70% of npm packages published recently are 'spam' designed to game a decentralized protocol that rewards open source contributions.

Common Causes of Memory Leaks in JavaScript — Filled with basic examples oriented around V8-based runtimes like Node.js and Deno.

Trevor Indrek Lasn

Running Postgres inside Node-RED via WASM and PGliteNode-RED is a popular Node.js-based ‘low code’ programming environment where you build ‘flows’ in the browser to connect code together.

Conor O'Neill

📄 Advanced Use Cases of Node's Native Test Runner Damilola Olatunji

📄 Implementing SAML SSO in Node with Microsoft Entra ID Sheshbabu Chinnakonda

📄 How to Debug a Node.js App in a Docker Container Tamas Kadlecsik

🛠 Code & Tools

LogTape: Simple Logging Library with Zero Dependencies — I’m digging this new style of library that promises support across all the main runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun) as well as edge functions and browser devtools.

Hong Minhee

Volta 2.0: Install and Run JavaScript Tools Quickly — A long-standing Rust powered tool for installing and switching JavaScript related tools (like Node, TypeScript, Yarn, etc.) … “no matter the package manager, Node runtime, or OS.” GitHub repo.


Kafka-Compatible Data Streaming That Reduces Costs and Ops Burden — Zero ops autoscaling. Perfect provisioning. 10x cheaper than Kafka. Try WarpStream for free and get $400 in credits.

WarpStream sponsor

EICRUD: NestJS-Based CRUD/Authorization Framework — We linked to this recently, but it has just added the ability to generate OpenAPI schemas so you can more easily generate clients elsewhere. GitHub repo.

Antoine Crosetti

Protobuf-ES 2.0 Now Generally Available — A fully compliant Protobuf implementation for JavaScript/TypeScript. Protobuf / protocol buffers is a Google-created language and platform neutral way to serialize structured data.

Stamm and Perez (Buf)

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