Tryton News: Newsletter September 2024

2 days ago 3

During the last month we mainly focus on bug fixes, behaviour improvements of several things and speeding-up performance issues stepping forward to our next release 7.4 scheduled to the 4th of November. We also added some new features which we would like to introduce to you in this newsletter.

For an in depth overview of the Tryton issues please take a look at our issue tracker or see the issues and merge requests filtered by label.

Changes for the User

Sales, Purchases and Projects

We add a new sale reporting per promotion.

We add now a relate from promotions to their sales.

We improved the exception handling wizards on sales and purchases. We added two fields to let the user explicitly fill with the records to ignore or to re-create.
Any cancelled record that is not added to one of the fields, will stay in exception state to be proceeded later. Also we changed the view between a MultiSelection to a Many2Many field depending on the number of records in the exception state.

Now, Tryton doesn’t add extra lines on sale orders for inactive products. Also Tryton does no longer recommend inactive products.

We removed the Menu: Parties → Parties → Parties Associated to Sales/Purchases entries, because the result is not limited to sales or purchases in state validated or processing. A draft, quotation or cancelled order doesn’t qualify a party as a customer or supplier. The functionality is already replaced by the reports in Menu: Sales → Reporting → Sales, Sales per Customer and Menu: Purchases → Reporting → Purchases, Purchases per Supplier which adds the ability to filter per state and per period.

Accounting, Invoicing and Payments

Now we re-launch the update of the payment customer for Stripe and Braintree in case it failed. Also the users can manually initiate the update process.

Stock, Production and Shipments

Now we round up weights and the other measurements to two decimals for the shipping carriers DPD, Sendcloud and UPS.

We make package measurements read-only once they are closed.

User Interface

We remove the favourite management from the favourite menu, because of
several issues [1] [2] and duplicated functionality.

Now we group links with a similar functional scope together.

In Menu: Administration → User Interface the entries

  • View Tree Widths,
  • View Tree Optionals,
  • View Tree States and
  • View Searches

are moved to the Open related records toolbar-menu of Menu: Administration → Models → Models.

We improve the widget for MultiSelection fields in the Tryton clients by adding checkboxes which display the selection state of the row. If the users clicks on a row, the selection state will be changed.

Now we visually remove records from Many2Many fields used in Wizard instead of greying them out.

We keep the CSV export dialogue now opened after exporting, to have a better user experience when fixing bugs, export and again fixing bugs.

Since we moved the functionality from product_price_list_dates to product_price_list, you can open price list lines in a new tab to be able to filtering, search or import import them.

New Documentation or Naming

We improved and unified the stock action naming and re-worked documentation:

New Releases

We released bug fixes for the currently maintained long term support series
7.0 and 6.0, and for the penultimate series 7.2.


Please update your systems to take care of a security related bug we found last month: trytond allows to execute reports for records for which the user has no read access and also for reports limited to a set of groups that the user is not member of.

Changes for the System Administrator

Now we use a random value for cron next call field when no value is defined.

Now we log the last cron scheduler runs and their durations. A new cron task periodically cleans the log entries. The new cron-section configuration variable clean_days (default 30) sets this period.

Changes for Implementers and Developers

The Tryton view-tests now check for some more attributes like sequence and on_write in tree-views or dtstart and dtend in calendar-views.

Now we unify the term “email”, as it is now the most common and recommended form.

We add to all “cost”-terms a “sale”-suffix in sale shipment cost fields to improve the naming convention and to avoid collisions or misinterpretations.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono

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